For starters, candidates who are interested in the field of landscape architecture will need to attain extensive education and training to acquire gainful employment. In most cases, a quality landscape architecture education will lead to a Bachelor's or Master's degree.
In addition to general education, the typical curriculum in a landscape architecture course would include: construction and design of landscape, geology, management, landscape ecology, urban/regional development, agriculture, historical aspects regarding landscape architecture, plant and soil sciences, environmental engineering and other relevant studies.
Since 2004, nearly all states in America require licensure or registration of architects and landscape architects. Upon successful completion of landscape architecture school and applicable work experience, students may obtain their registration when they sit for the Landscape Architect Registration Examination (L.A.R.E.).
A thorough landscape architecture education enables future architects to design buildings, roadways and sidewalks, prominent parks and playgrounds, industrial parks, shopping centers, school campuses, and more. Career prospects are promising, as job growth is anticipated to be faster than average through the coming years.
If you would like to learn more about Landscape Architecture Education or even Online Landscape Architecture Schools , you can find more in-depth information and resources on our website.
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Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with SchoolsGalore.com. Find Landscape Architecture Schools, Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools, and Online Schools at SchoolsGalore.com, your educational resource to locate schools.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Bustamante
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